Web 3.0

Web 3.O Web 3.O is a term that has likely come up at least once in the past few months if you have access to the internet and are ...

Web 3.O

Web 3.O is a term that has likely come up at least once in the past few months if you have access to the internet and are even slightly knowledgeable about technological news. You'll also be aware that it's "the future of the internet," and if you've read up on the topic a bit, you'll also know that blockchain technology and crypto currencies will play a vital role in the development of web 3.O. But, what exactly is Web 3.O how will it look, and how will it affect our lives? If you’re curious to know the above, you have reached the right place. In this video, you will find all the answers to your questions related to Web 3.O.

The most recent Internet technology, known as Web 3.0, uses blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to enable real-world human communication. The cherry on top of web 3.0 is that users will be paid for their online time in addition to being able to own their data. A faster and more individualized user experience is provided by Web 3.0, the third iteration or version of the Internet that connects data in a decentralized manner. Your information is safe and secure with this system because it was built with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the semantic web. It also uses the blockchain security system.

The ice on the cakeof web 3.0 is that we users will get paid for the time we spend online and in addition we will be able to own our privacy and data. control of data will be in our own hands . Tech giants like Facebook, Google,, and Microsoft are just some of a few of the businesses currently making a ton of money fromour data and selling them to ad agencies and many more. However, Web 3.0 will make it possible for everyone to get paid for their data and time.

Imagine a new kind of Internet where all of the content you consume is more personalized than ever before and where everything you type and say are accurately translated, whether through text, voice, or other media. You are about to embark on a new phase in the Internet's development. It is referred to as Web 3.0.

We will be releasing a number of videos to explain Web 3.0 in greater detail in the future because it is not an easy idea to understand. However, today we'd like to quickly go over some concepts and distinctions between web 2.0 and web 3.0, as well as some of its benefits and drawbacks.

Differences of web 1.0 web 2.0 and web 3.0

Web 1.0 is a read-only web where users can only read content that has been posted on websites.

In Web 2.0, users can read and write content on websites and applications.

Web 3.0 is a read-write-interact web that allows users to read, write, and interact with content, including 3D graphics,on websites and app and is powered by artificial intelligence.

Web 3.0 aims to make Internet searches much quicker, simpler, and more effective so that even complex search sentences can be processed quickly

A user must interact with a web 2.0 application's frontend, which talks to its backend, which talks to its database, and so on. The entire code is stored on centralized servers and delivered to users via the Internet.

Web 3.0 has no both centralized web servers and centralized databases for storing application state and backend logic. As an alternative, a blockchain that is supported by anonymous web nodes and built on a decentralized state machine is used to create apps.

Web 3.o is powered bythis 4 new layers of technological innovation

Edge computing


Artificial intelligence & Machine learning


Several advantages of having a web 3.o are:

ownership,control and data protection: The primary goal of the Web3 is data ownership. As a result, users will always have the option to grant, revoke, or modify access to their data. Additionally, users won't need to divulge any information about their online digital identity going forward. Users will have access to features like "selective disclosures," which will allow them to reveal only the information that a third party specifically requests.

Users will have access to data in any circumstances thanks to decentralized data storage. Users will receive numerous backups to help them in the event that the server fails.

Personalized browsing – Web 3.0 offers a highly personalized browsing experience to all users. Websites will automatically change to match your location, device, and accessibility requirements.

Enhanced search: You can use your natural language with the search engine thanks to the use of machine learning and AI. By utilizing big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, it produces the most precise results.

With all this advantages and technological breakthroughs we get from web 3.0 we also have some disadvantages and they are:
The capabilities and qualities of the devices will need to be improved in order to make the technology available to more people around the world.

Once web 3.0 is fully adopted on the Internet, any websites created using web 1.0 technology will be made useless. Web 3.0 technology is more sophisticated, effective, and available than earlier iterations. The technology isn't quite ready for widespread use, though.

Web 3.0 has made it easier to access a user's information and has reduced privacy, making reputation management more crucial than ever.

some of the examples of web 3.o apps are apple’s siri, google’s elexa ,lbry,brave browser and stor j ,there are plenty of more apps already available in the market you can try some of them …

Web 3.0 is still being developed, so its exact appearance is unknown, but there are a few concepts we can expect. We'll have to wait and see if Web 3.0 is a success. However, the demand for data security will be of utmost significance, according to the majority of analysts. Therefore, there would be a huge demand for security experts and security-related systems. Furthermore, there will be a greater need for blockchain developers.

This was all for today guys hope you liked my blog and this video, please don’t forget to like share an subscribe my channel and press the bell icon so that you get updated with every contents we create, your little support will help me create more interesting topics like this …thankyou for being this long …stay safe stay healthy


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Web 3.0
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