Russian Economy in Future

Russian economy what the future holds for Russia and its economy ? Hello and welcome to my blog, hope ...

Russian economy

what the future holds for Russia and its economy ?

Hello and welcome to my blog, hope you guys are doing well, todays talk is about Russia and its economic condition ,how will Russian economy perform this war crisis?

The most significant global event of 2022 will likely still be Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and Ukrainian resistance to that attack. Beyond the military influences, the invasion resulted in the displacement of millions of Ukrainians, the departure of a large number of Russian men of military age, disruptions in food and energy supplies, and disruptions to the Russian economy. Putin and his crew are aware that the war has not gone as expected.

The choice to withdraw the troops attacking Kyiv in March and April and the choice to declare a so-called "partial mobilization" in September stand out as two crucial occasions. In the first scenario, Putin was forced to abandon his plan to swiftly overthrow the Ukrainian government. In the second scenario, he was forced to admit that Russia needed hundreds of thousands of additional troops to stabilize the front since the number of Russian casualties (dead and injured) during the first seven months of the war was so high.

The international world imposed plenty of sanctions on Russia when it invaded Ukraine in February of this year. They restricted the travel of affluent and prominent Russian citizens and froze their assets. They placed restrictions on the export of Russian energy and raw materials and attempted to keep Russia from obtaining a variety of information and defense technologies. Additionally, they slapped economic sanctions on Russian banks and limited Russia's access to international finance and financial market .Russia ranks 113th in terms of economic freedom in the 2022 Index with a score of 56.1. In the Europe area, Russia is placed 43rd out of 45 nations, and its total score is lower than both the average for the continent and the global average.s. During the previous five years, the Russian economy grew stronger in 2017 and 2018 before slowing in 2019 and going into negative territory in 2020. When the price of oil recovered globally in 2021, growth restarted.

Due to weak institutions—weak rule of law, inadequate property rights protection, corruption—and consequently low levels of both domestic and foreign investment, the Russian economy has been underperforming for 15 years. Russian economic prospects are currently in a terrible state as a result of the war.

undoubtedly, the war is the biggest economic issue that Russia and Russians are currently facing. Russia's GDP is predicted to contract by 8% during the two-year period 2022-2023, it was anticipated to grow around 4% .but things changed in a different way.Production in important industries has been severely impacted by sanctions, and the consequences will only get worse. The government is transitioning to a wartime economy, which entails increased state control, increased military expenditures, and decreased investment in human capital, including investments in health care and education. In addition to the approximately 100,000 dead so far, hundreds of thousands of educated, young workers have left the nation and several hundred thousand additional Russian residents have been assigned for war rather than productive tasks. Living conditions will continue to decline, and it appears certain that salary deficit and unemployment will both rise. Long-term, Russia's most significant economic sector will be undermined by the Western move away from Russian oil and gas brought on by the fighting.

What the West's sanctions have so far failed to accomplish for the Russian economy is the September–October enlistment drive. The demand for credit, the housing market, and consumer confidence are all clearly declining. The federal budget would be severely deficient if oil and gas income were absent. The brainwashed peoples of Russia is now beginning to worry about how the conflict is affecting their quality of life. In 2023, the recession will extend and it might worsen.

This was it for today  please comment down your thoughts how will Russian economy perform in upcoming days and what are Russian planning for digital currency in future ? As new year is starting in some weeks , and if you liked my contents and you want me to create similar contents like this please support me with like share and subscribe , your small support will give me a good reason to create contents like this ..see you in the next blogs and video until then take care. Have a wonderful time ahead :)


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