Chat GPT started its paid version -Chat GPT professional

  The founder of Chat GPT "Greg brockman" earlier this month tweeted that, They will soon be launching a professional version of c...


The founder of Chat GPT "Greg brockman" earlier this month tweeted that, They will soon be launching a professional version of chat GPT ,which will be offering higher limits and faster performance and now the news has been around that chat GPT has begun rolling out its premium version."Chat GPT professional"

According to The reports, the well-known AI chatbot "Chat GPT 3" from the artificial intelligence research center Open AI has started to roll out a premium edition which will offer higher limits and faster performance speed. Sources is saying that For an extra $42 a month, the professional edition will provide great features with more consistent availability, quicker response times, and special access to their premium users.

Earlier this month, Open AI disclosed that it was considering a premium version of Chat GPT. Additionally, the business had created a waitlist using Google forms, which questioned consumers about the pricing range at which they would like to use the Chat GPT service and how disappointed they would be if they could never use the bot again, indicating that the launch may not be too far away, even if they did not discussed anything about  pricing or the availability of the paid version, rumors are around and there are some users who started sharing popups they are getting for the upgrade of paid versions. According to Open AI, users who submitted a waitlist form might be the first ones to get chosen for the testing of  Chat GPT Professional.

is chat GPTa money making machine for open AI ?

Started its journey only from November 2022 chat GPT has became a internet sensation ,creating a huge fan base with more than 75 million monthly users . Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many other popular trending apps took quite longer to reach same user base that Chat GPT did in a matter of days, It has gained huge popularity, causing us to ignore all other technology-related news. with whooping 75 million monthly users, running cost of this project is around 100000$ daily and maintaining this has already  become a huge challenge but for now open AI has came up with a new module "Chat GPT professional". Open AI may earn $3.46 billion in revenue in the first year, even if only 10% of these 75 million monthly customers decide to sign up for the premium program. With a profit margin 60% , Open AI will earn an staggering annual profits of $2 billion. which is pretty huge sum they collect from a  project alone. 

Can we still use regular chat GPT for free?

Open AI started out as an open-source and non-profit  project but for now, Both are no longer true. untill now yes we can, they have created two different choices, but how long can we use it for free, there's no guarantee and one thing is certain with expenses of around 100000$ a day ,nobody can give you just for free.

As Open AI moves forward with Chat GPT Professional, turning it into a commercial entity. The business makes no guarantees that It will always be available in a free version or not. As Chat GPT's current release is a just free research preview. In certain sense, we are all beta testers for a beta product that was created to become a paid one.

I remembered the quote rolling around in the internet "If you are not paying for something ,then you are the product"


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The Technical Domain: Chat GPT started its paid version -Chat GPT professional
Chat GPT started its paid version -Chat GPT professional
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