The Rise of Sodium-Ion Batteries: Revolutionizing Energy Storage

The Rise of Sodium-Ion Batteries:  Revolutionizing Energy Storage Sodium battery technology In 2022, the price of lithium-ion batteries...

The Rise of Sodium-Ion Batteries: 

Revolutionizing Energy Storage
Sodium battery technology

In 2022, the price of lithium-ion batteries began to rise again after a decade of continuous drop. Lithium prices have soared due to the increased demand for batteries; they are up about 123% from the previous year. Everyone is struggling with the apparent issues in the room, which I believe will pose the greatest challenges to the business as a whole over the next 2 to 3 upcoming years.

But there is a small hope,” sodium –ion battery technology”

Hello and welcome to my channel technical domain, today we are going to talk about a battery technology which might play vital role in battery industry, keep watching this video until the end, to get an idea about how this new battery technology might change the future of EV industry and if you are new here, please like share and subscribe my channel so that you get updated of every content we create.

Due to technological developments, sodium-ion batteries are gaining huge popularity since they might, in comparison to lithium-ion batteries, deliver comparable performance in a wider range of applications without experiencing supply chain issues. Lithium prices have soared due to the increased demand for batteries; they are up about 123% from the previous year. Lithium and sodium are both alkali metals that share a lot of similarities chemically. Due to the comparable operating principle, low cost, and accessibility of mineral raw materials, sodium ion batteries might be a possible replacement for the lithium-ion battery technology. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries are less flammable and more resistant to temperature changes, making them safer than lithium-ion batteries.

Sodium is less expensive and easier on the environment to obtain, since it is more abundant than the metals used in lithium-ion batteries. Sodium may also be collected from seawater, and its quantity in the Surface is around 500 times more than that of lithium. Lithium extraction needs a lot of natural resources and is frequently regarded as unethical in certain regions. Instead, using sodium might offer a more durable kind of green energy, removing any obstacles to the global switch towards green and clean energy.

New players entering the market for the production of sodium ion battery …

On November 29, a ceremony marking the opening of the facility created in collaboration with local officials, battery maker Hina Battery Technology, Three Gorges Corporation's, Three Gorges Energy and Three Gorges Capital took place in Fuyang City, China. China's Three Gorges, recognized for the largest hydropower project in the world, has teamed up with partners and begun operations at the largest facility for sodium-ion batteries, which does not requires any costly lithium materials to produce a battery. In Fuyang, central China, the first plant with a gig watt-hour annual capacity has begun producing sodium-ion batteries. Gotion Hi-Tech and Eve Energy are two more leading domestic battery manufacturing companies, who are also a major player in the development of sodium-ion batteries.

Who are winning this race of producing sodium batteries?

The first-generation sodium-ion battery from CATL was revealed in July 2021, with the company stating the single-unit energy density had achieved 160Wh/kg, the greatest level ever recorded. According to the company, CATL's sodium-ion batteries features a high energy density, quick charging capabilities, great thermal stability, excellent low-temperature performance, and high integration efficiency.  Being One of the largest battery manufacturer, CATL may start mass producing sodium-ion batteries as early as next year, but BYD might be the first electric car maker to mass produce vehicles with sodium ion battery technology. Rumors are circulating in China that BYD plans to begin manufacturing sodium-ion batteries in larger quantities for use in electric vehicles. According to the local media, BYD intends to start producing them in the second quarter of 2023 and use them initially in some variations of the Qin EV, Dolphin, and the new Seagull.

Having all this technological advancement, we also have some drawbacks in this technology and the major drawback is that compared to lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries have a lower energy density. This explains that a sodium-powered electric cars with a battery same size as a typical lithium-ion battery would not be able to drive as far on a single charge. The major applications for sodium-ion batteries will be in energy storage and two-wheeled vehicles because they are cost-sensitive but do not require large energy densities.  And to make matters much more difficult, sodium-ion batteries degrade more quickly when additional voltage is applied to the same area. But research and development is going on to make this problem solve in upcoming year and we have to wait un till the second quarter of 2023 to see, how BYD will be producing its first car with sodium ion batteries. We need more of this kind of technological breakthroughs in upcoming days so that we wont be solely dependent in the same technology which might control the monopoly and prices of raw materials.



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The Technical Domain: The Rise of Sodium-Ion Batteries: Revolutionizing Energy Storage
The Rise of Sodium-Ion Batteries: Revolutionizing Energy Storage
The Technical Domain
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